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2022: A Year In Review Through Testimonials

Your kind reviews mean so much to us

2022 was a year full of change for many healthcare professionals at Orthopaedic Hospital of Wisconsin. Through the development of our new online health record to the demolition of our old hospital building on the OHOW campus to traversing the ever-changing healthcare landscape, OHOW faced many triumphs and challenges. 

A rewarding highlight through all of the challenges has been hearing positive testimonials from our patients. Whether it’s been through a Google review, a survey response, or an in-person comment, hearing about your positive experiences with your care means so much to our hardworking staff. 

Plus, your feedback is a part of what helps us to be named a top-rated orthopedic hospital

Thank you to everyone who shared their positive experiences with the care you received at OHOW. Your words of appreciation help motivate us to do what we do best; placing our focus on you and your care

Want to leave your own positive review? Click here to share your experience.

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