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Frisbee Golf with Friends: 5 Ways to Make the Most of the Game

Frisbee golf, also known as disc golf, has been one of the fastest-growing sports in recent years. With COVID-19 shutdowns forcing many sports activities and team leagues to hit pause, frisbee golf gained popularity as a socially distanced sport, even in pre-pandemic times. And this heart-healthy, calorie-burning activity isn’t going anywhere, anytime soon. 

At Orthopaedic Hospital of Wisconsin, we know that staying active is essential to maintaining your overall health and wellness. Here are tips for getting started and making the most out of this fun summer sport. 

1. Learn the Basics 

Frisbee golf involves throwing a flying disc at a target using similar rules to regular golf. If you are unfamiliar with golf, it’s important to learn a bit about the sport before getting started. 

Once you have familiarized yourself with the rules, you’ll need to obtain some discs to get started. There are several different types of discs you can use. Discs come in various weights and sizes to allow you to experiment with what might work best for your game. You only need one disc to start, and a decent disc only costs around $10. 

When you’re ready to head out and begin practicing your throwing techniques, remember to follow the “Disc Golfers Code” established by the Professional Disc Golf Association to keep the game fair and fun for everyone. As the sport involves sending objects soaring through the air, it’s important to keep safety in mind. Avoid throwing in blind areas or the direction of spectators, pedestrians, or fellow disc golfers. When using a public disc golfing course, be aware of the posted rules and respect the equipment and surroundings. And, of course, always be kind to other players! 

2. Practice Stretching to Avoid Injury 

As the name might suggest, frisbee golf involves many similar movements to regular golf. This includes hip rotation and arm and elbow extensions for effective follow-through. Since you are using several different muscle groups for an effective throw, warming up with some stretches can help you avoid injury . If one area of your body lacks the strength and conditioning necessary for your swing, other areas of your body may be overworked. This is what can lead to pain, soreness, or injury. Many warm-up stretches that are helpful for regular golf may also help you warm up for a round of frisbee golf. 

It’s also important to consider incorporating a conditioning program into your health routine. While you don’t need to run or move vigorously during a round of frisbee golf, getting your heart rate up a few times per week will help you have the energy to last throughout the entire round of golf and maintain a successful technique. 

3. Play with Others

A great thing about frisbee golf is that it is fun for people of all ages. If you need the motivation of others to be consistent with the sport, join or create a team of family and friends or join a local league. With the busy lives that so many of us lead these days, it can be difficult to find time to catch up with your friends and family while also being consistent with exercise. Creating a team is a great way to socialize and exercise simultaneously. Plus, if you join a local league, you will even have the opportunity to meet new friends!

The camaraderie of a team can increase the fun you have and keep you consistently involved. The friendly competition between your team members can also keep you motivated to improve. If money motivates you, set up a small fee tournament among your team members! 

4. Master Your Technique 

When you first begin your frisbee golf journey, you may find that your technique is not perfect. This is perfectly normal and it can be improved with some practice. Proper frisbee golf technique involves maintaining a grip on the disc that works for you, using momentum from your hip rotation, reaching back to fully extend your throwing arm, leading with your elbow, and using a powerful step to ensure a strong follow-through. 

It might take some time to figure out what technique variations work best for you, including the best hand grips and follow-through techniques. Keep consistent in mastering your technique, and your game will improve over time. 

5. Find a Frisbee Golf Course Near You 

While it’s possible to create a makeshift frisbee golf course at home, playing frisbee golf with some challenges requires a large amount of space. There are over 9,000 different established frisbee golf courses located nationwide, and many are free to access. In Milwaukee County, there are five free practice courses and six full-sized courses that are open for the majority of the year. There is even one winter course available. Playing these courses can allow for more technically challenging holes with elevation changes, obstacles, and blind holes. 

Whichever activity you choose to keep active this summer, Orthopaedic Hospital wants you to do it pain-free. If you are experiencing chronic pain from an orthopedic condition or injury, consult with one of our specialists today to get back on course as soon as possible. 

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