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Workout from Home: Fitness Apps and Home Workout Tips

With the business of the season ahead, summer fun may not allow you to keep up with your regular fitness routine. Sneaking in a home workout may be essential to ensure you keep active. Or, if you can’t make it to the gym or a regular fitness activity, home workouts are necessary to keep moving.  

At Orthopaedic Hospital of Wisconsin, we stress the importance of staying active as a crucial element of maintaining bone health and reducing your risk for an orthopedic injury. Regular exercise can enhance bone mineral density, reduce the risk of osteoporosis, and improve overall skeletal health. Improving these factors leads to a higher quality of life and greater independence as we age.  

Working out from home doesn’t need to be complicated. Whether you’re at the beginning of your fitness journey or a seasoned pro, incorporating the tips below can help you enjoy a successful and safe home fitness journey 

1. Start with the Basics  

An at-home gym setup does not need to be elaborate or expensive to be effective. Sure, it’s helpful if your home gym contains the amenities of a gym, but that is far from necessary for creating an impactful home workout. An at-home gym can consist of as little or as much as you prefer.  

Home workout equipment recommendations include:  

  • Dumbbells for free weight exercises provide versatility for many strength training exercises that target various muscle groups.   
  • Resistance bands are an affordable and versatile tool for resistance training.  
  • A stability ball is excellent for core strengthening and balance exercises.  
  • A jump rope is a compact and effective cardio tool.  
  • A yoga mat is essential for stretching, bodyweight exercises, and yoga practice.  

2. Create A Home Workout Schedule   

If you can’t fit a workout class or scheduled activity into your day, it’s important to create your own workout schedule that works for you. A home workout schedule will help you to stay consistent and establish a fitness routine that works for you. Aim to create a schedule that contains a balanced mix of cardiovascular, strength, and flexibility training. Set specific times for each workout session and consider the duration based on your available time. Remember to include rest days for recovery. A consistent schedule and sticking to it will help you progress toward your fitness goals.  

3. Utilize Fitness Apps  

If you feel lost on what to do during your home workout, fitness apps can help. Trying out fitness apps can provide providing structure, guidance, and motivation. They can expose you to several workout routines designed by professionals and cater to different fitness levels and goals.   

Fitness apps also often include video demonstrations and instructions, ensuring proper form and technique during exercises. This is especially important when working out at home without a personal trainer. Moreover, many fitness apps offer progress-tracking and goal-setting features, allowing you to monitor your performance and celebrate your achievements.   

Additionally, these apps often have built-in timers, workout reminders, and motivational tools to keep you engaged and accountable.   

Examples of fitness apps include:  

  • Nike Training Club  
  • Peloton  
  • Fiit  
  • 7 Minute Workout  
  • Fitbod  
  • Yoga Studio  

Remember to choose an app that aligns with your fitness goals, preferences, and available equipment. It’s also a good idea to read reviews and try out free trials, if available, to determine which app works best for you.  

4. Consult a Virtual “Personal Trainer”  

If a fitness app is not for you, other online fitness options can help. Many personal trainers and fitness experts share free online workouts that you can follow. With just a few clicks, you can access a plethora of workout options, from yoga and Pilates to high-intensity interval training and dance workouts. Exploring these free options can create a sense of community and interactions with the online community regardless of your location. Moreover, classes led by experienced fitness professionals will guide you through proper form and technique.   

Examples of online personal trainers include:  

By creating your own home workout space, planning and scheduling your workouts, and utilizing fitness apps and online resources, you can achieve your fitness goals and enjoy a fulfilling fitness journey from the comfort of your home. Embrace the flexibility and convenience of home workouts, and let your determination drive you towards a healthier, stronger, and happier version of yourself.  

If regular workouts are difficult or impossible due to an orthopedic injury or condition, the Orthopaedic Hospital of Wisconsin is here to help provide treatment. Meet with an orthopedic specialist to determine if physical therapy or further intervention is necessary.    

To make an appointment, call (414) 961-6800 or go online.   

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