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Paddle into Summer Fun: Kayaking Benefits and Safety Tips

Would you like to feel the light breeze across your face, see the sun’s reflection, and watch the birds enjoy the plants and insects as you glide across the top of the water?  This summer you can enjoy these things easily.  Grab a kayak. Grab a paddle. Grab a life vest. Away you go!   Kayaking […]

Stay Safe and Enjoy the Ride: Essential Summer Biking Tips and Benefits

As summer approaches, there is no better time to get outside and explore. Hopping on a bicycle is the perfect way to combine summer wanderlust with a low-impact physical activity that provides many benefits. Not only do you gain mental health benefits from exercising and sunshine, but biking can also be excellent exercise to improve your joint health and […]

Spring Hiking Safety: Tips To Avoid Common Hiking Hazards

As the snow has all melted away, it’s finally time to go out and enjoy nature. Hiking is a fantastic way to experience the outdoors and stay active, but it can also be challenging and potentially dangerous. When in nature, various terrains and environmental factors can easily cause injury to your bones, muscles, and joints […]

Spring Cycling Safety: 8 Tips for an Injury-Free Ride

As soon as spring hits, Wisconsinites head outdoors. For some, that means hopping on a bike and enjoying the warm breeze, sunshine, and blooming flowers along many of Wisconsin’s beautiful trails. While biking this spring and summer should be smooth sailing, it’s important to implement a few cycling safety steps before heading out. Cycling accidents […]

5 Tips to Prevent ACL Injury During Winter Sports

Exercise has several health benefits, both physical and mental. At Orthopaedic Hospital of Wisconsin, we see a clear link between health and exercise and we recommend exercising year-round. But staying active does not make you immune to injury. One of the more frequent injuries in winter sports requiring an extensive recovery is a sprained knee […]

Winter Mayhem – 8 Snow Shoveling Safety Tips for Healthier, Safer Winter Season

If you live in Wisconsin or another cold-winter state, you will inevitably see snow between November and April. That first snowfall looks so beautiful on pine trees, but as that fluffy stuff accumulates, you will have to get outside and shovel. Snow may be ideal for snowboarders, skiers, and snowmobilers. But when it comes to […]

Leaf Raking and Fall Cleanup: How to Keep Activity and Stay Safe While Tidying Up

With the beauty of fall colors comes leaf raking and fall cleanup. And just like it’s important to care for and maintain your lawn, it’s vital to do the same for your body. This year, fall cleanup might target some muscles you haven’t used in a while. Before you jump headfirst into your fall cleanup […]

Don’t Fall this Autumn! Tips to Prevent Fall-Related Injuries

We all know that our risk of falling increases with age, but did you know that two-thirds of those who experience a fall will fall again within six months? This increased risk may be due to a decrease in bone density, a lack of exercise resulting in poor muscle tone, decreased strength, and loss of […]

Tis the Season for Football Turf Toe: What to Understand About this Injury

Turf toe is common among American football players that affects the big toe joint. Frequently pushing off with the toes in a sprint or making sudden movements while running is often the culprit of causing this painful condition. Dealing with this injury is not only painful, but it can also cause damage to the bones […]

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