Browsing ‘Shoulder’ Archives

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Recovering From Total Shoulder Replacement – What Level of Activity Can I Expect?

Total shoulder arthroplasty, also known as shoulder replacement, is a common surgical procedure used to treat severe pain and mobility restrictions typically caused by osteoarthritis in the shoulder joint. If you’re contemplating undergoing a shoulder replacement, you may wonder what recovery looks like following surgery.   The expectation for a shoulder replacement is to return to […]

What is Frozen Shoulder?

Have you noticed you can’t reach up or back with your arm? Is it painful to even try? You may be experiencing frozen shoulder. Frozen shoulder is a common but painful condition that involves a gradual increase in shoulder stiffness. It leads to a loss of range of motion and impact your daily function.  Orthopaedic […]

How Do I Know If I’m Ready For Shoulder Replacement Surgery?

Dean W Ziegler, MD, Blount Orthopaedic Associates How do you know if you need shoulder replacement surgery? It’s a tricky question and certainly not one to take lightly. Fortunately, with the many advances in shoulder replacement surgery, patients can expect a minimally invasive procedure and a quick recovery, provided they follow their physician’s instructions. So […]

Preventing Labrum Tears for Golfers: 7 Tips to Avoid This Serious Shoulder Injury

Golf is considered a leisure sport, but the truth is, there are many ways that golfers can get injured on the course. Preventing labrum tears, golfer’s elbow, and other common golf issues is critical to your game and health. So what are some of these common golf injuries? We’ve discussed golfer’s elbow, one common golf […]

4 Lessons from a Surgeon’s Clavicle Surgery: “The Other Side of the Knife”

Dr. David Kornreich, one of the excellent surgeons at the Orthopaedic Hospital of Wisconsin, recently experienced a clavicle fracture requiring clavicle surgery. Orthopedic surgeons often have a unique perspective when they’re on the other side of the knife. Today, Dr. Kornreich candidly relates his experience to help other OHOW patients know what to expect should […]

Recovering from a Shoulder Injury: What You Really Need to Know

Regardless of how your shoulder injury occurs, you want to know what to do to make it better and quickly! At Orthopaedic Hospital of Wisconsin, our team of experts can help you get on the right path for recovering from a shoulder injury. Our practitioners are happy to guide you in your recovery.

Learn How to Improve Posture and Prevent Back Pain with These 6 Tips

Are you in a slump? We’ve all experienced the neck strain from hunching over the computer or bending over our phone for hours. Many of us engage in activities that are counter-productive to improving our posture. So, is posture that important? In short, yes. Having the proper posture prevents strain on your neck and shoulders. […]

Prevent Heavy Backpack Strain: 6 Tips for Returning Students

As everyone’s thoughts turn to back-to-school, kids are getting ready to gear up after a (longer than usual) break. While we’re not sure exactly what school will look like in the fall, one ongoing concern for students is the strain and stress from heavy backpacks. While many schools are streamlining their books, especially at the […]

Shoulder Pain? Rotator Cuff Surgery May Be in Your Future

Are you experiencing shoulder pain? It may be a rotator cuff injury. Dr. Ryan Kehoe from the Orthopaedic Hospital of Wisconsin’s surgical team explains what you need to know about rotator cuff surgery.

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