Browsing ‘Injury Prevention’ Archives

5 Tips to Prevent ACL Injury During Winter Sports

Exercise has several health benefits, both physical and mental. At Orthopaedic Hospital of Wisconsin, we see a clear link between health and exercise and we recommend exercising year-round. But staying active does not make you immune to injury. One of the more frequent injuries in winter sports requiring an extensive recovery is a sprained knee […]

Workout At Home: 7 Tips to Keep You Safe and Healthy

A month into the new year, you may still be figuring out how to keep yourself accountable to new fitness goals. Setting up a workout at home routine is an affordable and easy way to keep yourself on track to meet goals. But it might not be as easy as it seems, especially if you’re […]

Winter Mayhem! Common Snow Shoveling Injuries and Treatment Options

As the winter season gets into full swing, it’s inevitable that most people living in a winter weather climate will find themselves outside, with a shovel, clearing away snow. This task can be quite physically demanding, especially after a heavy snowstorm. While there are several steps you can take to avoid injury, often snow shoveling-related […]

Leaf Raking and Fall Cleanup: How to Keep Activity and Stay Safe While Tidying Up

With the beauty of fall colors comes leaf raking and fall cleanup. And just like it’s important to care for and maintain your lawn, it’s vital to do the same for your body. This year, fall cleanup might target some muscles you haven’t used in a while. Before you jump headfirst into your fall cleanup […]

Don’t Fall this Autumn! Tips to Prevent Fall-Related Injuries

We all know that our risk of falling increases with age, but did you know that two-thirds of those who experience a fall will fall again within six months? This increased risk may be due to a decrease in bone density, a lack of exercise resulting in poor muscle tone, decreased strength, and loss of […]

What are Shin Splints? How to Relieve this Common Runner’s Affliction

Do your shins throb and ache after your daily run? Do you have shin tenderness, sensitivity, soreness or pain that persists after beginning a new and intense physical activity? You may be experiencing shin splints, also known as tibial stress syndrome. While you may have heard of this condition, you may wonder, what are shin […]

Tennis Injury Prevention: How to Avoid Common Tennis Injuries

Warm weather is here, and we are finally getting back to our favorite outdoor activities. If you enjoy tennis, you might be eager to hit the court as soon as possible. But grabbing your racket without any preparation may not be the best idea. Even a few hours of swinging a racket can lead to […]

Technology and Orthopedic Health: 4 Tips to Avoid Tech-Related Orthopedic Injury

Smartphones and computers have become commonplace for most people, from toddlers to senior citizens. For many, using these devices is an integral part of daily life for our work, education, and leisure activities. While using smart devices and computers may seem benign, ​increased technology use can increase our risk for orthopedic injury.  At Orthopaedic Hospital […]

Achilles Tendonitis and Running: Recovery and Prevention

With each step you take, your Achilles tendon is at work. The Achilles tendon, also known as the heel cord, is the thick and fibrous band of tissue that connects the calf muscles to the heel bone. It is the strongest tendon in the body, and it allows us to push off the ground when […]